The world we inhabit is changing and with this comes new challenges and dilemmas for the future of the planet. Something which caused much controversy at the outset in 2012 was the deliberate breach of 40 metres of coastal defence to allow 1 square Kilometre of arable land, at Donna Nook, to flood. For the Environment Agency, rising sea levels and global warming meant significant planning to protect over 3000 homes likely to be flooded by tidal surges. For others, the loss of coastal footpath FP18 with views over the Humber Estuary and the potential impact on wildlife was paramount. Ultimately the project went ahead, the footpath was diverted and an area of intertidal habitat and mudflats was created with endorsement from the RSPB. How do we approach these challenges in the future and who should have the last word?

You can see the floodplain in the background and you can read more information on the link below.